What is the background story when making this game ? Eva's stronghold is a platform based game that is inspired by super smash bros and dark soul. Originally the name was waifu wars because all the characters are female, but then it got changed into queendom and later into Eva's stronghold based on the storyline.
What is the game about ? Generally speaking, It is about a kingdom which is ruled by a queen named Eva and It is attacked by monsters and a dragon. Yes it sounds very cheesy and common. Then, Eva send everyone away from the castle but some of them stay with her to protect the kingdom.
What is your role during the process of game making ? I was assigned to do all the heroes art, including background, and animation ( attack, jump, stance, run ). But, it seems overwhelming so I dropped the background and only focus on the art and animation.
Characters Stance

Characters Run

Characters Jump and Attack

art by : Long Tran


art by : Long Tran

Shield Icon

art by : Long Tran

Game Items

art by : Long Tran